Principal's Message

What can Waingaro School offer?

At Waingaro we offer a friendly, relaxed family-type atmosphere based on solid family values. Our expectations of behaviour and achievement are high. We have a dedicated Staff and Board of Trustees who are committed to providing the best educational opportunities possible for our students.

Due to our small size, our school has many positive features to offer. Waingaro School is nestled between hills and has a lovely playground and grassed area with excellent facilities. Children enjoy propagating seeds and growing vegetables in the shade house and garden. They recycle paper and compost food scraps in the worm bin as part of our environmental studies. Our facilities include two beautifully refurbished classrooms complete with electronic whiteboards and computer bays. We have a hall and a new library with a large deck. There is a tennis court and a swimming pool. Our school is attractive, well-resourced and well organised.

Education at Waingaro School is a very personal thing. Staff know pupils and their families well, therefore easy communication exists between home and school. Children feel like important members of a large family. There exists a very strong school spirit and an extremely caring atmosphere. Visitors frequently comment on how well behaved, caring and delightful our children are. Our students are committed to trying their hardest, competing with others both in and out of school. Fair Play is the norm at Waingaro. Leadership opportunities exist for our students throughout their primary years.

Waingaro School is well resourced with computers and electronic whiteboards in each class.

We have a pool, a Hall and a beautiful large Library.

Our school is nestled between hills and has a lovely playground and grassed area.

We have a shade house and garden where students grow plants and vegetables.

We offer interesting programmes, a nurturing atmosphere and enrichment activities for individuals and small groups.

Waingaro School is involved in a Rural Cluster of five schools for sporting and cultural events.

We’re a forward thinking group who recognise the importance of the sound teaching of basic curriculum areas in conjunction with modern technologies.

The Staff operate an open door policy and believe firmly in easy communication between home and school.

Waingaro School offers a nurturing, supportive and well-resourced environment for our students. We set great store in recognising the achievements of our young people. It is always gratifying to hear feedback from secondary schools who report that our students are industrious, co-operative and able to work with independence.

We are involved in a rural schools group for sporting and cultural events. Our students participate and compete in all rural schools competitions and events. We’ve hosted winners at swimming, cross country and speeches. We believe it is still important to encourage an element of competitiveness for we live in a highly competitive world. Individual and team achievements are highly valued and celebrated at our weekly assemblies. Children receive weekly awards for Buddy Reading, Fair Play, Students of the week and the Principal’s Award to name a few. There are eleven trophies awarded at the end of each year to celebrate progress and achievement.

So, what do our children need to succeed?

They need spirit, grit and determination, literacy and numeracy skills, a positive attitude, abilities to communicate and solve problems, to be team players and at the same time be able to work and think independently.

Success takes time and effort.

Allison Graves (Principal)